


欢迎来到横幅的“名人堂”,这里放置了曾经登在维基导游主页上最好而且最实用的横幅。 每个横幅都有关于为什么它会被选择登在主页上,及关于其优点的简要说明。 请随意将你觉得是特别好的或可以令我们有新的启发的横幅添加在下面,并且为那个横幅加上简短的介绍及其优点,以方便我们了解这幅相片。

获奖辞: This image presents an unusual perspective on a well-known landmark, which immediately defines the location to the visitor. The colours are vivid and the image has been digitally altered to provide optimum space for a description aligned to the left.
获奖辞: This image is perfectly cropped to accommodate right-aligned text and provides a vivid backdrop to the location's description. As an OTBP banner this image immediately gives the visitor a sense of 'place', if not its precise location.
获奖辞: Another vivid image, although this one is perhaps somewhat grainier than might be hoped. Despite this, the photograph overcomes its low quality with a very clear purpose and dark colours, making for an excellent back-drop to the white text used on the Main Page.
获奖辞: Another example of an image picked as 'the best of a bad job', this photograph is rather grainy, but the crop and digital enhancements have brightened its colour and ensured that the corners (where the text resides) are darker than other parts of the picture.
获奖辞: A very clear and crisp image, the white expanse shown in this image makes the destination it advertises very plain. Its vivid hints of blue add interest to the photograph whilst it is well cropped to accommodate text.